The difference is not all of us have the same style and in short there are either palm or claw grip. Another important factor to think about is their ergonomics and it is true that all gaming mice are built to be comfortable for users to hold for a prolonged time.Most of these high DPI mice are commonly overkill for even gaming applications because our hand movement is not able to work as fast while high DPI is also not very ideal for accurate aiming. DPI or CPI can matter or not and on this side we are sure many people will go with the highest they can find and able to afford.

Wireless used to have issues like response speed but today it is no longer a concern and while the model is usually more expensive, it comes with the convenience of less cables to deal with.
Redragon m601 do not find gaming mouse upgrade#
Just like a keyboard and similar computer peripherals, a mouse is something that we can change from time to time to match your current preference or to upgrade to a better model in case the older one is no longer sufficient for your application.